Don't like it? Change it!
There are changes that need to be made but if I add those changes to the list if things I have to get done it just makes it longer and to tell you the truth that shit will have to just wait on the back end cause I'm busy.... Well wait... What if those changes could make this whole thing run a lot smoother? I guess it's something to consider... But they damn sure better be convenient changes! Wait, is there a such thing? Sadly no, change is inconvenient in its timing and sure enough painful when you are this busy living. Well living requires change and today I realized that. My commute takes so long that I feel like I spend my whole day commuting... Seems like a space for change, my life lacks balance and as a result I have zero patience thats the reality but the truth I give it is "the people in my life get on my damn nerves"... The list goes on and on... The one thing I notice is I will not now or ever be able to avoid change. It's necessary and in this moment ...